Monday, July 27, 2009

Not Your Last Chance

He is not your last chance at love. Just like the cab that just passed you up and picked up the blonde with the big ta-ta's isn't the last cab in the city. Getting over the mentality of, "This is the last man that you are ever going to love" is easier said than done. You just have to look at in these terms... If that man was your last chance at love, then what a shape the world would be in because only a select few end up marrying and loving their first, second, third, loves of their lives.

My first love was a dapper, handsome young man. He had a way about him that made all the girls smile. He was a ladies man, but I didn't care because he placed me first (yeah, I know young and dumb). He was smart, athletic, and very outgoing. Fast forward to about a month ago. I saw my first love and he was sucking on a crack pipe, married, has a heap of children, and just looked so pitiful that I had to take a second look to make sure it was him. I was shocked at the twist his life has taken. I think he mixed crack with his swagger and smoked them both because he was dead in the eyes. I could've ended up with a crack head as husband; working my fingers to the bones to provide for us. Thank goodness that he wasn't my last chance at love.

My second boyfriend has the cutest dimples I have ever seen. He's tall and muscular because he played football. He has a gentle nature and a wonderful sense of humor. We broke up due to being young and wanting different things. Fast forward to today he is an engineer, a father, and all around good guy. Breaking up with him was hard, but necessary. He is one of my very nearest and dearest friends. We get along now better than ever. I will accept being in his life as a friend. He wasn't my last chance at love only a learning experience to help me in my future relationships.

My ex-boyfriend was from Florida. He was down for just about anything...very spontaneous. We met and a month later he asked me to marry him. Something about his proposal didn't sit right with me. So, I googled his butt and found out that he was married, wanted in several states for non support, didn't have a permanent residence, and was an all around loser. Of course, I packaged up all of my findings into a nice booklet for him with a red bow on the outside, but not before his wife had written me a letter informing me that he was married and a no good husband. I included the letter in the package, as well. He tried to deny, but I was done with him. He was not my last chance at love...He was my first chance at doing 5-10 for assault with a deadly weapon. He almost made me catch a case tryin to pull that cow dung on me.

Just know, ladies, he is not your last chance at love. Letting go is hard, but necessary so that you can find the one that is going to love you as much as you love them.


  1. Well said sister. It's hard sometimes for women in the midst of their pain and heartbreak to realize that the world hasn't ended because a man has chosen differently, or has put them in a position to choose differently. But with time and space comes wisdom and peace. Take care!

  2. Sweet Sugga, you never cease to make smile. Catch a case indeed. You're so right about a man being your last chance at love. Thank goodness I have come to that realization at this point in my life. NEXT! is becoming my middle name. :o)
