Monday, July 20, 2009


Why is that what feels good is not always what is right? I found something that feels so good to me, physically at that moment, but I knew it wasn't right. I'm finding myself to be like the same people that I loathe. I loathe people that are merely doing things for the satisfaction of that second, minute, hour, or day...never thinking about what the future may bring. I do not believe that tomorrow in this system of things is promised to me, but I do not believe in putting my chances to see tomorrow in harms way. I live my life a certain way, but I know I could do better. I have fallen into spiritual death and it hurts my soul and I cry at night. I wonder how can I come back from this? How did I let myself die? How did I let my heart become hard toward the One that loved me before I knew there was a me? How did I let it get this bad? I cringe when I see His name...not because of hate, but because I know I have disappointed Him. I am ashamed of my actions, my words, my heart condition. When I go to meet with Him...I hang my head in shame. I go to the that place inside me to try to numb the hurt, but I can't. I don't even know how to communicate with Him anymore. He did nothing, but love me...and yet I found His adversary more worthy of my time and I left Him and hurt His heart. How do I apologize for such a mistake?


  1. You pray about it, ask for forgiveness, and repent, my sistah. *Hugs* to you.

  2. but that's the beautiful thing about Him. He loves unconditionally and when you come back to Him, he raises your head from embarassment. Also, you are not so far away from Him as you can still recognize who He is. Who is like you Sir? No one. you seem to know this, so forgive yourself and don't let guilt seperate you from your true love. Blessings!

  3. I heart yall...yall are the bestest
