Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day

I didn't really realize how much emphasis that people put on these holidays until today. I saw a Father today that was in a total state of depression because his children didn't bother to call him. He is a good father, does homework, keeps his weekly visitation schedule, in attendance for all school functions, plays, and any other celebrated situation that involves his little ones. I felt sorry for him, but then again .... ya know me? pity only goes so far. He said you would think that my ex would make sure that my children purchased something or at least called. I replied that in a perfect world you all wouldn't be divorced and she would be feeding you breakfast in bed, giving you more sex than Hugh Hefner gets on Tuesdays, and the birds would sing every time they heard your voice....but alas this world is imperfect and you are divorced, not the primary care taker of your children, celibate not by choice, and the only birds you hear sing are the vultures that are eating the road kill on the interstate... deal with it. He then replied that it was easy for me to say because when Mother's Day comes around I rack up on the gifts. That statement got me to thinking...

I don't celebrate holidays. I am very thankful for everyday that I am blessed to see my children live, breathe, grow, and smile. I don't put much emphasis on days that are of no significance of personal growth....just my preference. However, if I did put emphasis on these days ... I would be a depressed, suicidal, bitter, bipolar maniac with a compulsive slapping complex. Last Mother's Day I got butt kiss from my ex....nuthin nada, not even a call, no hallmark card, not even a conversation of appreciation, no smoke signals...nothin. My kids got up that morning and like always came and got in the bed with me and kissed and hugged me and asked me what time was I gonna be fixing breakfast. The person that did buy me something isn't the father to my children, he's not related to me...he's my boyfriend...which he didn't and still doesn't have to get me anything to celebrate that day. I am not his mother, I have not bore this man any children, but yet the feelings we have for each other moved him to give me something on that day. I was very shocked, humbled, and appreciative of his gesture.

I have learned to expect nothing and that way I'm not disappointed when I don't receive anything.I told my friend that if he expects nothing and he gets a gift wrapped box full of nothing then he is ahead of the game. We should find our happiness in the days that our family rejoices with us for no reason. Like the days when you all just so happen to meet over one relatives house and you start cooking and eating and talking bout old times....those are the moments to treasure. The times when our children come and hug and kiss us for no good reason other than they truly want to love and show us some affection....not the moments that are marked on a calendar to honor you on one day for a job that you do everyday.

1 comment:

  1. I hope he felt better after you 'slained it to him. Still, the ex could've had the kids at lesat all him, depending on how young they are. If it was a bad breakup, not sure why he was expecting anything. Bet he won't be cryin' to you anymore.
