Saturday, June 13, 2009

Eww Theres a Mouse in My Closet

So, I get up early one morning feeling rather spry. I get up out of bed take a shower and relax a lil before I have to wake my children. I wake my daughter up first because this child takes entirely too long to do the minimum such as putting on a shirt, pants, socks, and shoes. I promise I have seen countries change governments in the time that it takes this child to get dressed in the mornings....but back to the story. I'm in the bathroom when my son and my daughter walk in and they say "Mommy, its sum'n in your closet making noise!" I asked them "What were yall doing in my closet? What kind of noise?" My daughter tells me that she was looking for some shoes when she heard the noise. I leave the restroom to go see what they are talking bout. The first thing that comes to my mind is that I have a mouse in my closet...gross!!!! Being a single mother I am not afforded the luxury of being afraid and timid of things I have to "man" up and fight whatever it is to protect me and my youngins. I walk to my closet and I hear this rustling sound...I'm instantly grossed out. I'm terribly afraid of mice. My children are so afraid, but they are standing on my bed and leaning on my back. I hurry up and close the door to my closet and call the maintenance man. He comes and goes into my closet to get the mouse...and calls me to the room. I go in my room and my children are following me (because they have inherited a nosey gene that has been passed on from generation to generation). I told the maintenance man that I am deathly afraid of mice and to please don't show me anything crazy. Hes laughing and said I didn't find a mouse...but I did find sum'n that was making noise. He said come here by yourself. I tell my children to have a seat in the living room. I slowly walk down the hall, I'm biting my fingernails, and sweating because I am so nervous that maybe he has found a snake or sum'n else. I walk into the room and the look on the maintenance man's face is priceless. He is smirking and he is Creole so he is blood shot red. He stands to the side and on my bed he has my special "box" sitting. It is making this humming sound. I immediately grabbed the box and screamed so loud of embarrassment. The maintanence man fell to the floor grabbing his stomach in laughter. I could have fallen thru the floor. I had put my mechanical man away and forgot to turn it off. It was vibrating and twisting up a storm in the closet. I've never been so embarrassed in all my life....well I have, but not since I've been in my late 20's. I didn't know what to I did the only thing that I knew how... I turned it off... put it back in the back of the closet. Collected the maintenance man and put him out of my apartment and told him that if he told anybody about what happened that I would tell them that I caught him in my closet using my mechanical man. I learned my lesson ... I never call a man no matter what is going on in my closet...i just handle it myself.


  1. Shug, you had me HOLLIN' with this one. I would've fallen out, too. You know the maintenance man has a story to tell for decades to come. What did you eventually tell the youngins? Oh, I love the lesson learned, too. LOL!!!!!!!! Thanks for making my day.

  2. I never told them anything... I just told them to stay out of my closet. My daughter til this day wont go in my closet w/o me being there. My daughter gives me the side eye about the closet thing one day shes gonna figure it out and imma have to tell her but until then "mums the word"

  3. HILARIOUS!!! You called the maintenance man to come and kill your mechanical man. Imagine if your kids had decided to look in the box. :-o

  4. bwahahahahahahaha!!

    shug!! i luvs you too much to quit you. but i'm this >< close.

  5. again, tears are streaming down my face
